Slow Food Event

Lots of new things…

So after a bit of a struggle in my personal health, I am back and hope that this year will bring a lot of good! The first good started when I accepted a position in the Board of Slow Food Calgary. I fell in love with this organization when I visited the Feast of Fields […]

CTH 2012 Summary

The Winning Team of Calgary’s first annual Culinary Treasure Hunt is: Chewy Goodness!!!!!!! Some fun facts: 100 participants, in teams of 2, all with silly names such Chewy Goodness, Food Zombies and Dining Diva’s. The day started with a breakfast Launch Party donated by Casel Marche with pastries of Wild Grainz, registration teams got their […]

Thank you all for an amazing Culinary Treasure Hunt!!!

After months of preparation it was finally there: The First Annual Culinary Treasure Hunt!! As with all “Firsts” there were lessons to learn! But I am very happy to see the enthusiasm of the almost 100 foodies who put their hearts and souls into the hunting! One of the biggest challenges, besides the treasures, seemed […]

It is the day!!!! The Culinary Treasure Hunt is finally on it’s way!

Today we started early with getting some really yummie pastries from Wild Grainz in Inglewood, who donated some wonderful goodies! From here directly to our first stop of the day: Casel Marche who hosted our Launch Party with cookies, coffee and other good stuff. Right at 8:30 am people started coming in for registration. Lots […]


I love my newest “job”: scouting for Culinary Treasures! This weekend we started of at the Calgary Farmer’s Market. They had their Chowdown Event, which was a lot of fun and a lot of people. There were a bunch of FoodTruckers invited to show off their food, wow Calgarians are in love with their Food […]

Our first Culinary Treasure Hunt is on its way!

The first registrations are coming in! I can’t tell you how excited I am about this event, it is so much fun to hear the enthusiastic responses around me. Of course first of all Casel Marche has offered to host the Launch Party, they are such a great company. It is awesome to see how […]

I love the summer!!!

The summer of 2012, I love it, so far it is one of the best. It already started with a great Canada Day, beautiful weather, awesome atmosphere, great bites to eat with the food trucks downtown at Olympic Plaza and later home, enjoying ribs on the BBQ with the whole family. Then of course the […]

Meaningful Meals!

Eating together as a family has many, some unexpected, benefits. Results have shown that having regularly family meals is linked to, at least, better adjusted adolescents, less addictions, less obesity and better results in school. Children spend so much time playing soccer, going to ballet classes, etc. that often the traditional family dinner has been […]

Best Dutch Apple Pie Ever

I got eat this one while visiting friends in The Netherlands. Back home it was the first baking I did. This recipe is great for experimenting. I am still playing around with it.

Lot’s of fun things!

First of all I like to announce last month’s winner of the Pasta-Challenge. We had such a great dishes; it was really difficult to choose. Girlfoodie came up with a beautiful Rigatoni dish, which we all enjoyed. So Girlfoodie, please contact me to arrange a time to pick up your price: $50.- worth of Farmer’s […]

Become Calgary’s first Culinary Cowboy/girl

We’re happy to announce the date for Calgary’s first Culinary Treasure Hunt! On October 13, 2012 you’re invited to compete against Calgary’s fun and fine foodies, the winner will be crowned Calgary’s first Culinary Cowboy! There are many fun culinary places in our wonderful city and we’re scouting the city to find the most fun […]

Back in town!

We’re back home, still jet lagged and a bit home sick from two wonderful weeks in The Netherlands. Our first vacation back to our old country was a great experience. With the six of us, we toured around as if we were a famous rock band. From one family member to the other, from one […]

Creamy smoky ziti

This dish is soo good, I can’t believe how simple and delicious this turned out.

Pasta Primavera

This spring pasta dish is also really good cold.

Bolognese Sauce

Simple crowdpleaser!

Fish Taco’s

Great for dinner or snack or lunch, just not for breakfast.

Honey Garlic Meatballs

This is a typical “play around” recipe!

Chicken pie

Easy as pie!

It’s April

Wow time flies. I can hardly imagine that we’re already in April. This month my hubby and I celebrate our 25 year anniversary. Funny to think that 25 years ago I was nervous for the big day, still living with my parents back in The Netherlands. And now we’re here in Calgary. It’s unbelievable how […]

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  • Our Treasure Hunt Sponsors

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  • About Me

    I am Anneke Scholten, wife, mother and food-lover. In 2004 I immigrated from The Netherlands with my husband and kids. Calgary is my hometown and I love this great cities food scene.
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