Frugal February

Frugal February For us as a family, December and January are quite expensive with first the holidays and later a couple of birthdays. February is therefore the month to save a bit to come back on track. But I love saving money; it makes me more creative! There is a lot to save in the […]

Upcoming Events

French Connection! Bring your French inspired dish and enjoy an evening with good food and meet other foodies! Date: March 3, 2011, 6:30 pm [private]Place: 846 Sierra Madre Court, Calgary[/private] Host: Anneke RSVP Cupcake Mania! This is a cupcake swap. Bring 15 cupcakes and go home with 15 different cupcakes. There will be tea and […]

Apple-Cardamom Cake

Today I celebrated my birthday. My children woke me up with the traditional Happy Birthday singing and a breakfast in bed. We recently just discovered a Dutch bakery, Glamorgan Bakery, that makes one of my favourit breads: Sugar Bread. This bread has a wonderful taste with layers of sugar and ginger syrup. So I got […]

Daddy’s Dutch Pancakes

By far the best pancake baker in the house is my husband Gary. Since a couple of years he is assisted by our youngest daughter Rosemary who loves to give her own spin to the old recipe. They come up with great creations such as Cheese Pancakes, Apple/Bacon Pancakes, etc. Just add your own favourite […]

The Roots

With a cup of tea and of course a just freshly baked cookie (thanks to my youngest daughter!), I am ready to start this new adventure. Almost two years ago I started Culinary Calgary; a group of enthusiastic foodies who love to talk food, prepare food and of course eat food! With almost 300 members […]

Chicken Pesto Penne

Mom, I need your recipes! My oldest daughter just moved out. Although I still have three kids at home, I miss her a lot. She is not only my daughter but also my sparring partner for new ideas, my right hand (as she is very creative and handy) and now she is growing up she […]


Stamppot Boerenkool (Boerenkool = Farmer’s Cabbage) is an old fashion traditional Dutch meal. People love their Stamppots in the wintertime after a nice skate on the canals.There are different varieties on this theme, some of them use carrots or sauerkraut. What I like is to add some bacon bits to the Boerenkool. To be very […]

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  • About Me

    I am Anneke Scholten, wife, mother and food-lover. In 2004 I immigrated from The Netherlands with my husband and kids. Calgary is my hometown and I love this great cities food scene.
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