Culinary Events for Calgarian Foodies
Wow time flies. I can hardly imagine that we’re already in April. This month my hubby and I celebrate our 25 year anniversary. Funny to think that 25 years ago I was nervous for the big day, still living with my parents back in The Netherlands. And now we’re here in Calgary. It’s unbelievable how life takes you on a crazy roller-coaster ride and how I enjoyed it.
Traditionally we have a Easter-brunch, of course with our own painted eggs, however this year three of our kids had to work on Easter Sunday.
Of course the one that did not have to work did not want to go without any good breakfast. But I was lazy, so I looked for some easy recipes. I bought some of the ready dough cans that explode instead of open nicely. I made some nice banana sticky buns and bacon cinnamon buns. They were so easy to make that I felt embarrassed putting them on the table. But wow they were yummie!
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